pope, Jorge Bergoglio, is a fearless critic of the powerful and a bold
advocate of the poor, but some say he let down his country by staying silent during
a "dirty war" dictatorship.
Links between some high-ranking Roman Catholic clergymen and the
military regime that kidnapped and killed up to 30,000 leftists between 1976
and 1983 tarnished the Church's reputation in Argentina and the wounds have yet
to heal.
Critics of Bergoglio, the Jesuit former archbishop of
Buenos Aires, say he failed to protect priests who challenged the dictatorship,
and that he has said too little about the complicity of the Church during
military rule.
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That is reason enough for some human rights activists to
question the moral credentials of Pope Francis, or Francisco as he will be
known in the Spanish-speaking world.
"He has never said anything about the genocidal priests ...
We've really never heard him say anything," said Taty Almeida, one of the
leaders of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who marched for years before the
presidential palace to demand information on their missing children.
Bergoglio's harshest critics go much further.
"He turned priests in during the dictatorship,"
said Horacio Verbitsky, a journalist and author close to
President Cristina Fernandez, with whom Bergoglio has a prickly
According to Verbitsky's book "The Silence," Bergoglio
withdrew his order's protection of two Jesuit priests after they refused to
quit visiting the slums, paving the way for their capture.
"I used to have the same opinion of him that most people
have, of a humble, intelligent man dedicated to the poor ... but then I
discovered everything that is contained in my books, in my research," he
Verbitsky's accusations, based on the testimony of one of the
two Jesuits who were kidnapped, are controversial, however.
Bergoglio, who led the Jesuit order in Argentina at the time,
gave evidence at a majorhuman rights trial that he asked junta leaders
Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Massera to free the two priests, who were
kidnapped and held for five months. And defenders of the new pope say he helped
many dissidents flee.
"What Bergoglio tried to do was help where he could,"
said Adolfo Perez Esquivel, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for defending human
rights during the dictatorship
"It's true that he didn't do what very few bishops did in
terms of defending the human rights cause, but it's not right to accuse him of
being an accomplice," Perez Esquivel told Reuters. "Bergoglio never
turned anyone in, neither was he an accomplice of the dictatorship."
In more recent years, Bergoglio's thinly veiled criticisms of
those in power have been a constant of his leadership of Argentina's Roman
Catholics and his willingness to speak out has made him some enemies.
"He's a real straight talker. He doesn't beat around the
bush, so to speak," said Mercedes Zamuner, an assistant at a chapel where
Bergoglio used to give Mass in Buenos Aires.
"When it's been necessary, he's said really tough things
directed at certain quarters."
At the height of a devastating economic crisis in 2001-02 that
plunged millions into poverty, Bergoglio's criticism of those in power was
Former President Eduardo Duhalde sat stony-faced as Bergoglio
delivered an unusually harsh homily in 2002 as the crisis raged outside the
cathedral gates.
"Let's not tolerate the sad spectacle of those who no
longer know how to lie and contradict themselves to hold onto their privileges,
their rapaciousness, and their ill-earned wealth," Bergoglio said in the
televised sermon.
The former cardinal, the first Jesuit to become pope, was born
into a large middle-class Buenos Aires family, his father an Italian immigrant
railway worker and his mother a housewife.
People who know him say he shares two national passions - soccer
and tango - and is endowed with the common touch, though he never worked in the
ramshackle slums that encircle most of Argentina's large cities.
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"Bergoglio is willing to mingle with the people; he has
washed the feet of AIDS sufferers, of pregnant women ... he blessed the trash
collectors," Eduardo de la Serna, an Argentine priest who works with the
poor, told Pagina 12 newspaper.
In the run-of-the-mill Flores neighborhood where Bergoglio grew
up, his former home has been knocked down, but he is well-known among neighbors
who remember him from childhood.
"When we were 12 he wrote me a letter saying that if he
didn't marry me, he'd become a priest," said Amalia Damonte, 76, a
childhood friend and neighbor who still lives there.
At a nearby Church school where Bergoglio attended nursery and
had his first communion, he played football on Sundays, a 90-year-old nun
Bergoglio's passion for the game has continued and he is a
card-carrying member of leading Buenos Aires team San Lorenzo, who are
nicknamed The Saints.
"He says he lives in a permanent state of suffering for San
Lorenzo," said fellow fan Oscar Lucchini, although he added that Bergoglio
did not attend games.
Known for traveling by bus and shunning the luxuries of high
Church office, Bergoglio lived in a one-room apartment next to the cathedral
and is said to wear worn-out shoes.
"When he arrives in Rome he takes the bus from the
airport," said Francesca Ambrogetti, who co-authored a biography of
Bergoglio that was published in 2010 after carrying out a series of interviews
with him over three years.
"On one occasion, a driver from the Argentine Embassy in
the Vatican asked Bergoglio if he'd please let him drive him because if he
didn't he'd get told off," she said.
"He showed us his office once. It was incredibly luxurious
(but) he turned it into a store room and received people in a really simple
office instead."
think Bergoglio's bold approach will prove an asset as he takes the reins of a
troubled Church shaken by scandal.
An admirer of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, Bergoglio must
overcome crises caused by child abuse by priests and the leak of secret papal
documents that uncovered corruption and rivalry inside the Church.
"You get the sense of someone who has the capacity to
defend what needs to be defended with great intensity," his biographer
Abrogate said.
Bergoglio became a priest at 32, nearly a decade after losing
the use of one lung due to respiratory illness and quitting his chemistry
studies. Despite his late start, he was leading the local Jesuit community
within four years, holding the post of provincial of the Argentine Jesuits from
1973 to 1979.
He then held several academic posts and pursued further study in
Germany. He was appointed auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires in 1992 and
archbishop in 1998.
A solemn man, deeply attached to centuries-old Roman Catholic
traditions, he is not expected to stray far from Church doctrine on divisive
matters of sexuality, divorce and abortion, but he is seen bringing a more
pastoral touch.
"He has always stayed close to priests who got married. He
even told us that he had married some (former) priests," Ambrogetti said.
Bergoglio once branded priests who refuse to baptize children
born outside marriage as "hypocrites."
Argentina has not faced as many high-profile scandals of priests
sexually abusing children, meaning Bergoglio has not been forced to take a
public position on the issue like his peers in other countries.
"He mentioned that in cases of pedophile priests he
considers it a perversion that predates ordination and that 'you need to be
very careful when choosing candidates for the priesthood,'" Ambrogetti
Almeida, from the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, urged Bergoglio
to make his position on abuse cases clear now that he is in the Vatican.
"I really hope he now has the power in his hands to clarify
and investigate these things," she said, linking the sex abuse scandals to
the Church's role in the dirty war.
In Bergoglio's former neighborhood in Buenos Aires, his
childhood friend Damonte said she shared the high hopes of millions of Latin
Americans celebrating the election of the region's first pope.
"He is a good man, the son of a working-class family,"
she said, standing on her flower-filled front porch. "I hope he can
achieve all the good that he holds in his heart."